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Sunday, June 15, 2008

IRON MAN MOVIE: Tony stark Cameo Easter Egg!

Well I just went and saw the new Incredible Hulk movie last Friday night (the 7 pm show, to be precise) and I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised; the plotting of the movie was surprisingly brisk, getting us up to speed on the character's backstory without sacrificing the story's flow.

The acting for a comicbook movie was pretty strong - it helps to have Ed Norton, Tim Roth, and William Hurt in your cast. As for Liv Tyler, well she didn't hurt , I guess.

The CGI effects were very impressive, with slow pans of the Hulk giving us decent detail and the effects didnt get too fuzzy during the various fight scenes, either.

As for the heavily rumoured Iron Man cameo? Yes it was there right at the end of the movie -but luckily before the end credits for those of you too impatient to sit through such things. We were treated to a scene between Hurt and Downey Jr having an informal chat in a bar (and no, Tony Stark was not drinking). This chat had some cryptic reference to a team being brought together, but for any fans of Marvel comic books and their subsequent comic book movies, it was an obvious reference to the upcoming Avengers movie project. There were even veiled references to the Super Soldier program and the Super Soldier serum from WWII (ie. Captain America source material) along with an action sequence that showed how Captain America might work in the Marvel movie universe.

Yay! we have more Marvel movie goodness to look forward to.

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