IRON MAN / IRON MAN 2 Movie Posters, Trailers, Pictures, Set and Casting updates and more.

Monday, January 14, 2008

'We're in the Money...'

So I was reading today that the companies partnered with this May's Iron Man movie are starting to reveal themselves; so far there are no real surprises here: companies like 7-11, Burgerking and LG were all mentioned. Okay, there was at least one surprise (or maybe not if you have watched the iron man movie trailer): auto maker Audi. Audi will be tying in the launch of their new R8 sportscar with the iron man movie. 7-11 and Burgerking likely means rather unhealthy eating habits for me this Spring for the sake of cheesy plastic trinkets, and my current Cellphone plan runs out in May (how convenient ...), so maybe LG will actually have a chance of competing with Sony Ericsson for my affections. I'm so easy, just a promotion whore, really...

BTW, the REAL heavy promotion by Paramount for the movie will begin with a Super Bowl ad this February

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