IRON MAN / IRON MAN 2 Movie Posters, Trailers, Pictures, Set and Casting updates and more.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Iron Man Super Bowl commercial: 'Yeah, he can fly.'

well, Super Bowl Sunday has come and gone and we actually got a close, exciting game. We also got a new Iron Man Super Bowl commercial / trailer. basically we were shown some more action sequences intercut with some 'look at me testing my armor' sequences, tightly cut together. The look is nice and slick but I really think they (Marvel) are trying to avoid showing too many of their 'visual cards' to the public too early.

Regardless, the armor still looks very cool. After everything, I think that the New england Patriots have a lot more to be disapointed about than anyone who was expecting more from the new Iron Man Super Bowl movie commercial...

Saturday, February 2, 2008

SUPER Bowl sunday

On Sunday, February 3rd, a new Iron Man movie trailer will be released to the hordes of football fans watching the Super Bowl. There is already an image from this trailer released onto the interweb and i have it here for you.